Thursday, 22 May 2008

The Wonderful Bon Iver

Well I have to say that at the moment the music scene in general is, for a change, looking very good, with a few acts standing out and deserving your praise and attention.

First off is Bon Iver and his debut album For Emma, Forever Ago.
It was created by American singer-songwriter Justin Vernon in the spring of 2007. After breaking up with his girlfriend he hauled his weary and troubled soul to a remote cabin in Wisconsin, living for three months on nothing but Deer meat and water, and poured his heart out onto the basic recording equipment that he had.
It’s been a long time, longer than I can remember, since I have heard an album of such immense beauty. Every track is packed with so much emotion that, if you have a heart, cannot fail to floor you. Gentle acoustic guitars and Vernon’s incredible voice, think Jeff & Tim Buckley mixed with a sprinkle of Princes’ falsetto and you are someway to describing it, make up the bulk of the album with the occasional smattering of basic drums and horns added in to great effect.
It would be hard to pick a standout track as every one is purely sublime, but if I had to then it would be the album’s closer re:stacks. Near on six minutes of one the most beautiful songs you will ever hear about losing a love.
To sum up, I think this is a wonderful record, as you may have gathered, and if you don’t have it already then I beg you to buy it right now, drop what you are doing and head to the nearest record shop and buy it. If you don’t then, well, there is no hope really.

1 comment:

Sarah Kachevas said...

bon iver is wonderful!